About us
Dr. Mirko Wölfling
Taxonomist and population ecologist with over 20 years of experience in entomology
Main research areas:
- Diversity and species composition of Macrolepidoptera over time (long-term studies)
- Scientific analysis of historical collections and reconstruction of the long-term development of protected areas.
- Scientific evaluation of succession processes and their effects on nature conservation management, with a special focus on the development of different habitat structures and the resulting changes in species composition.
Special fields of activity:
- Taxonomy and species identification, ecology and species protection of European butterflies
- Principles of international trade in butterflies under species protection law (CITES, EC Regulation…)
- Preparation of butterflies for scientific and museum purposes
- Analysis and digitisation of historical collections
- Restoration of natural history collections
- Curatorial activities for insect exhibitions and advice on species conservation
- Lepidoptera data collection (planning and implementation of monitoring for diurnal and nocturnal butterflies)
- Determination of Mollusca, especially Mediterranean, Gastropoda and Bivalvia
- Analysis of beached detritus (determination of Micromollusca)
- Curatorial activities for exhibitions about exotic Mollusca and advice on species conservation
Further activities:
- Curator for Asisi F&E GmbH, panorama project ‘Amazonia’, ‘The Great Barrier Reef’ and ‘Carola’s Garden’ – procurement and conservation of exhibits, scientific advice
- Development of a highly diverse zoological collection with more than 200,000 exhibits (insects, mammals, birds, arthropods, gastropods…) for the creation of a virtual natural history museum
- International scientific collaboration for the long-term analysis of moths in the Po Delta National Park (Italy)

Dr. Britta Uhl
Biodiversity specialist and scientific advisor with over 10 years of experience in forest ecology, entomology and statistics.
(Voluntarily at bio-advice)
Main research areas:
- Analysis of Macro- and Microlepidoptera as bioindicators with a special focus on the occupation of ecological niches (functional diversity analyses)
- Multivariate analyses of different local and landscape factors and their potential effects on moth communities
- Small-scale changes and analysis of distribution patterns in moth species composition
- Influences of habitat structure and management on moth communities
Special fields of activity:
- Taxonomy, ecology and conservation of European Macro- and Microlepidoptera
- Determination of the larval stages of Lepidoptera
- Breeding and keeping butterflies for environmental education
- Preparation of butterflies for scientific and museum purposes
- Restoration of insect collections
- Lepidoptera data collection (planning and implementation of monitoring for diurnal and nocturnal butterflies)
- Teaching in the field of native biodiversity and nature conservation
Further activities:
- Scientific consulting for Asisi F&E GmbH, panorama project ‘Carola’s Garden’
- Monitoring of butterflies and moths, hamsters, bats and other animal groups…
- International scientific cooperation in the long-term analysis of moths in the Po Delta National Park (Italy)
- Botanical analyses

M. Sc. Chantal Siggelkow
3 years of experience in insect monitoring, analysis of plant communities and curation of entomological collections
Main research areas:
- Influence of various local and landscape factors on dusky large blue (Maculinea nausithous) and scarce large blue (Maculinea teleius)
- Data sampling and evaluation of the data situation of meadow blue ants in Bavaria
Special fields of activity:
- Mapping of meadow blue ants
- Preparation and processing of scientific reports
Further activities:
- Work with scientific collections
- Moth monitoring
- Botanical analyses
- Taxonomic evaluation of pitfall traps